For companies Event Exhibitor/Participant Application Form

Please fill in the following information and apply.
After you register, we will contact you with more details about the event.

*You can only register once with the same email address.
If there are any changes to your registration information, contact

*This is for corporate applicants.
For foreignersThis linkPlease apply from.

  • Company nameRequired

  • Representative NameRequired

  • Representative phone numberRequired

  • AddressRequired

  • IndustryRequired

  • Homepage URL

  • Contact nameRequired

  • Contact email addressRequired

  • Contact phone numberRequired

  • Specific skills and job typesRequired

  • Contact Us

⚫︎Event terms

■ Overseas job fairs and domestic matching events to promote the use of the specific skills system [Exhibition terms and conditions]

  1. Article 1 (Scope and changes to these Terms)
    1. 1. These terms and conditions apply to the ``Overseas Job Fair and Domestic Matching to Promote the Utilization of the Specified Skills System'' commissioned by Injestar. Inc. (hereinafter the ``Company'') from the organizer, the Immigration Services Agency (hereinafter the ``Organizer''). This document sets forth the conditions that apply when participating in the "Event" (hereinafter referred to as the "Project").
    2. 2. If it becomes necessary to change these Terms, the Company will change the contents of these Terms upon approval by the organizer based on Article of the Civil Code 548-4. can be changed.
  2. Article 2 (Participation registration)
    1. 1. Companies etc. wishing to participate in this project must agree to the contents of these terms and conditions and the "Personal Information Handling" policy, fill out the required information on the designated form, and apply to participate in this project.
    2. 2. After our company accepts your application for participation, if the organizer approves it, we will notify the companies, etc. wishing to exhibit of their participation registration, and at the time of such notification, a contract regarding these terms and conditions will be concluded between our company and the companies, etc. wishing to exhibit in this project.
  3. Article 3 (Exhibition related)
    1. 1. The companies etc. that will exhibit in this project will be selected by the organizers and our company from among the companies etc. whose participation registration has been approved pursuant to the preceding article, taking into consideration the desired field of recruitment, the location of the companies etc., the application date, and other matters, and our company will notify the companies that have been selected to exhibit (hereinafter referred to as "Exhibitors").
    2. 2. The names of companies exhibiting at this event will be made public two weeks prior to the event.
    3. 3. This program is intended for corporations or individuals who plan to directly employ foreign job seekers. Any other business activities are not permitted.
    4. 4. We do not guarantee that personnel who meet the conditions desired by the Exhibitor (hereinafter referred to as "Participants") will participate in this Project, nor do we guarantee that the number of participants desired by the Exhibitor will be the same.
    5. 5. If Exhibitors are considering hiring participants from domestic matching events/joint information sessions, they will conduct interviews at online matching events.
    6. 6. If an Exhibitor wishes to cancel its participation, it must notify the Company in writing at least two months prior to the first day of the event in the case of an overseas job fair, and one month prior to the first day of the event in the case of a domestic matching event (excluding online matching events).
    7. 7. Exhibitors may not terminate the event during the event unless the Company has given prior consent.
    8. 8. We shall not be held responsible for any trouble that occurs between exhibitors or between an exhibitor and a participant.
    9. 9. The exhibitor shall prepare the communication equipment and communication fees, etc. used for the exhibition at his/her own responsibility and expense. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held responsible for any malfunctions in the Exhibitor's communication equipment, etc. or communication environment.
    10. 10. You agree in advance that the organizers, our company, or contractors commissioned by our company may take videos or photographs of the event during its implementation, and that the organizers and our company may use such videos and photographs for public relations purposes such as announcements on web pages, social media, and in printed matter.
    11. 11. Exhibitors understand that this project is funded by public funds, and cooperate with surveys, video and photo shoots, and interviews conducted by the Company to understand the results, and exhibitors will also be required to cooperate with the Company in conducting surveys, taking videos and photos, and conducting interviews, and will also publish these results on the website and as examples of results. You agree in advance that your information will be made publicly available on SNS, printed materials, etc.
  4. Article 4 (Prohibited acts)
    1. 1. Exhibitors are not responsible for the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, reputation, and other rights or interests of the Company, other exhibitors, or other third parties regarding this project's materials, etc., and other exhibits in this project. You must not engage in any act that infringes on the .
    2. 2. Exhibitors are prohibited from using any information obtained through this project without permission, leaking or disclosing it to a third party, or using it for any purpose other than exhibiting at this project. It won't.
    3. 3. If you participate in an overseas job fair and encourage participants to apply for a job opening at your company, in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Security Law, you must present your company's job advertisement to those participants before entering the selection process, such as document screening and interviews.
    4. 4. You must not impersonate a third party when exhibiting.
    5. 5. You must not transfer exhibition rights, etc. to a third party.
    6. 6. You must not engage in any conduct that violates public order or morals.
    7. 7. You must not engage in any act that directly or indirectly causes or facilitates the acts listed in the preceding items.
  5. Article 5 (Others)
    1. 1. If an exhibitor violates this agreement or causes damage to the Company, other exhibitors, participants, organizers, etc. due to reasons attributable to the exhibitor, the exhibitor shall not be liable for such damages (indirect damages, lost profits, etc.). (excluding profits).
    2. 2. The Exhibitor and our company (including major investors, officers, and persons of similar standing) represent that they are not, have not been, or have not been in any way related to anti-social forces in the past five years, and have no financial or other relationships with anti-social forces, and pledge that they will not have any relationships with anti-social forces in the future.
    3. 3. The Exhibitor and our company pledge not to engage, either by themselves or through a third party, in any of the following acts: violent demands, unreasonable demands that exceed legal responsibility, threatening behavior or the use of violence in relation to transactions, spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or using power to damage the other party's credit or interfere with the other party's business, or any other acts equivalent to these.
    4. 4. If the Exhibitor or our company finds that the other party has violated the representations or pledges in paragraph XNUMX or the pledges in paragraph XNUMX, it may immediately terminate the agreement related to these terms and conditions without any notice. Furthermore, the terminating party shall not be liable for any damages caused by such termination.
    5. 5. Our company will not be held responsible even if the event is canceled or postponed due to natural disasters, fire, riots, or other reasons beyond our reasonable control.
    6. 6. The Tokyo District Court will be the exclusive court of first instance for all litigation related to the exhibition and this project.

⚫︎Handling of Personal Information for the FY6 "Overseas Job Fair and Domestic Matching Event to Promote the Utilization of the Specified Skilled Worker System"

Injestar Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has been commissioned by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan (hereinafter referred to as "the organizer") to carry out the "Overseas Job Fair and Domestic Matching Event for Promoting the Use of Specified Skilled Workers" (hereinafter referred to as "this event"), and will handle personal information provided by you as follows.

  • [What is personal information?]

    This refers to information that can identify a specific individual, such as name, phone number, e-mail address, and other registered items provided through this project.

  • [About providing personal information]

    Providing personal information is optional, but if you do not provide personal information, you may not be able to participate in this project. Please note that the personal information provided will be used within the scope described in [Purpose of Use] below.

  • [About purpose of use]

    Personal information collected for this project will be used for the following purposes at information sessions, seminars, guidance sessions, events, interviews, etc.

    1. (1) For the proper operation of this project and business execution
    2. (2) For job introductions (if participating in the “Domestic Matching Event” of this project)
    3. (3) To provide consultation and response to inquiries regarding this project, and to perform administrative processing for operational management.
    4. (4) To provide information in response to inquiries and consultations regarding this project and the employment and employment of foreign human resources.
    5. (5) To collect and analyze consultations, inquiries and surveys
    6. (6) To confirm and respond to various inquiries and opinions regarding this project
    7. (7) For the Organizer to report on the results and achievements of the Project and to compile statistics concerning the Project
    8. (8) To provide information to third parties listed below.
  • [About providing personal information to third parties]
    • <Personal information of companies exhibiting in this project>

      If you are participating in the “Domestic Matching Event” of this project
      Provided to: Human resources who participate in domestic matching events and wish to apply for job openings

      Purpose of provision:
      To provide information and contact regarding job introductions, job applications, interviews, and selection.
      Provided items:
      All information provided
      Means of provision:
      The website operated by our company (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), as well as via email, SNS or written documents
    • <Personal information of individual participants in this project>
      1. (1) Personal information of everyone participating in the overseas job fair in this project
        Providing destination:
        Companies participating in overseas job fairs
        Purpose of provision:
        To provide information on participants and to inform companies and job information participating in overseas job fairs
        Provided items:
        All information provided
        Means of provision:
        Through the website, email or written
      2. (2) Personal information of everyone participating in the domestic matching event of this project
        Providing destination:
        Companies participating in domestic matching events
        Purpose of provision:
        To conduct job introductions or provide information on job seekers.
        Provided items:
        All information provided
        Means of provision:
        Through the website, email, social media or in writing
  • 【Management of personal information】

    The personal information you provide will be strictly managed by our administrator, and appropriate measures will be taken to prevent leakage, unauthorized use, falsification, etc.

  • [Request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information]

    Requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties will be handled after proper identity verification. If you wish to do so, please contact the following office.

Inquiries about personal information
Contract management company for the Immigration Services Agency's "Overseas Job Fair and Domestic Matching Event to Promote Utilization of the Specified Skills System"

[Personal information protection manager]

Zheng Won-sik
Structure room
contact information:
TEL 03-6628-4339 Email


Contact Us contact

SSW matching event management office

*Please note that inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, during the New Year holidays, and Golden Week will be
addressed on the next business day or later.

Immigration and Residency Management Agency